Sponsor Spotlight – Chamois Butt’r

Some of us riders who have been in the sport for a long time remember the days of wool cycling kits and leather “hair net” helmets. You know, the kind that used to just hold the pieces together in a crash. In those days, a chamois inside your cycling shorts was just that – a real leather chamois, usually with no padding at all. These things were hard to take care of, and after each wash they would get harder, dryer, and less comfortable to ride on.

Everyone had their own technique for chamois maintenance, which included lanolin-based creams and conditioners, but keeping your chamois supple was a losing battle.

Next came the synthetic chamois, which was a big improvement, since they didn’t dry out as much as the real thing, but still needed conditioning and maintenance to stay fresh. And the synthetic chamois didn’t “breath” as well as a real one. Another issue with both of these types of chamois was that they harbored bacteria, which led to saddle sores, and other unpleasant issues.

Today, most high-quality shorts have an anatomically cut and shaped chamois pad, which breaths well, and doesn’t get stiff after washing. So why do we need a chamois conditioner for something that is several generations removed from the original chamois? Simple. There is not a perfect chamois pad for everyone, and even with the best fit, long hours in the saddle always produce hot spots or areas where the pad rubs against your body, creating discomfort. And if you are not comfortable, you are less likely to keep riding.

Chamois Butt’r helps prevent chafing and hot spots and keeps you riding longer and more comfortably. It conditions the skin so you don’t get irritated on this vulnerable contact point. And shorts that don’t fit quite perfectly, or a pad that bunches up in that particular spot are not that big of a deal anymore. It’s not messy or greasy and washes off your shorts and body easily, leaving your skin feeling better than before. Chamois Butt’r comes in a variety of packaging and styles to suit your needs. Look for Chamois Butt’r at your favorite bike shop or wherever fine cycling products are sold.

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